15 March 2008

Travel Note 15 March 2008

I traveled to Taipei yesterday, the first leg of my journey home. I spent today walking around a bit. I went up to the observation deck of the Taipei 101. It was pretty cool. My only disappointment is that they didn't offer the option of walking up the tower. I could use the exercise. It was a reasonably clear day and quite the view. I still remember visiting the World Trade Center years ago and how massively huge those buildings looked when you stand at the base. I'm up bright and early to catch a flight to Tokyo then to Atlanta (13 hours!) and then to Boston. Then I get to start prepping for my next trip to...Taiwan!

The training went well despite the loss of an airplane along with the pilot from another squadron and a few days of not flying due to the accident and the weather. They are progressing well and learning all the lessons they need, usually the hard way.

After the trip to the Taroko Gorge we made a little side trip to the local shoreline. A huge breakwater that borders the sea and protects a small harbor and a rocky beach with lots of smooth stones of marble and granite. Beautiful turquoise blue water close to shore and then the deep water. We also walked around town for a while and did some shopping.

All in all a good trip but I'll be glad to get home and start recovering from jet lag while I work my transition to a new company. Hopefully it will be smooth but I tend to get comfortable in my ways and resist change. The hard part will be meeting all the requirements to ensure a smooth transition with our travel schedule. Confidence is low!

Since the election is creeping up on us perhaps it's time to get on my soapbox. Standby, and wear a helmet!

08 March 2008

Travel Note 9 March 2008

The training is going well here in Hualien dispite the down days for the accident. They haven't found the aircraft or the pilot and I thing that they probably never will. The pilots are anxious to learn and learning well by making all the common mistakes. The instructors are especially eager since they will be doing the instructing soon. Another week here for me before I head back next weekend.

I spent the better part of yesterday touring Taroko Gorge. It was pretty cool! Lots of tunnels and marble everywhere. And the weather cooperated so it was a nice outing. The driver would drop us off at places where we would walk for a couple of kilometers and meet him again. It would be nice to do a more extensive hike through more of the park. Maybe another time.

It looks like my job situation is a little less tenuous as the new contractor has finally made a job offer which pretty much matches my current numbers. If nothing else I have learned that regardless of your job situation, your job search should be a continuous endeavor. We shall see what our team looks like after the dust settles.

05 March 2008

Travel Note 5 March 2008

The last few days have been quite busy and rather long. We actually brief half the mission as opposed to sitting in the briefing to answer questions and correct misspeaks. With two missions to brief, monitor and debrief it makes for a long day. There is usually a simulator in there, too. But the pilots are eager to learn which is good.

Last night we got to feel the earth move! Just a little tremor which the locals probably didn't even notice but I could feel it in my room up on the 10th floor.

Today wasn't such a good day as we learned in the morning that the base lost an airplane last night. The initial guess is spacial disorientation as the the jet just fell off the radar scope. No news on the pilot but as of this morning they had not located him so I think they expect the worst. Bummer! Since it was one of the modified jets it leaves us with one less to train with. No flying due to the accident but we did get a sim out of the way. No flying tomorrow but some ground training with some of the instructors.

The food is not too bad. Perhaps I won't be shedding any pounds after all. You kind of have to try a little of everything and find the stuff you like. There's also enough American style food at breakfast (eggs, cereal, bacon, etc.) to get you through till dinner.

The job search continues in earnest! Resumes out, working on applications, making connections, buying lottery tickets!

02 March 2008

Travel Note 2 March 2008


All of yesterday was spent traveling from Boston to Taipei via Atlanta and Narita (Tokyo). It's quite the marathon and you're pretty beat up when you get in.

I spent a half a day in Taipei waiting for the flight to Hualien. The Grand Hyatt in Taipei is pretty nice! Breakfast is a huge buffet and you could load up for the day there. And it's complementary for us! It is right around the corner from the 101 Tower which is pretty hard to miss. I think at one point it was the tallest in the world but I'm not sure. Plenty of places to eat or just walk around.

We headed off to Hualien in the afternoon via an ATR 72 (turbo Prop) on a half hour flight. It's a small city and the hotel, the Parkview, is pretty much in the middle overlooking the port. Not bad. Evidently western style food is in short supply so it may be an opportunity to lose a pound or two. We'll see. We start work early tomorrow morning.

The job search continues! It seems that Jacobs is willing to meet everone's salaries...except mine! I'm looking into a few options which may or may not mean working the same job that I'm doing. Stay tuned!!