08 March 2008

Travel Note 9 March 2008

The training is going well here in Hualien dispite the down days for the accident. They haven't found the aircraft or the pilot and I thing that they probably never will. The pilots are anxious to learn and learning well by making all the common mistakes. The instructors are especially eager since they will be doing the instructing soon. Another week here for me before I head back next weekend.

I spent the better part of yesterday touring Taroko Gorge. It was pretty cool! Lots of tunnels and marble everywhere. And the weather cooperated so it was a nice outing. The driver would drop us off at places where we would walk for a couple of kilometers and meet him again. It would be nice to do a more extensive hike through more of the park. Maybe another time.

It looks like my job situation is a little less tenuous as the new contractor has finally made a job offer which pretty much matches my current numbers. If nothing else I have learned that regardless of your job situation, your job search should be a continuous endeavor. We shall see what our team looks like after the dust settles.