I'm off to Utah for a week. It'll be fun except for the part where we install my oldest as a new freshman at BYU. Not that I'm not thrilled for her! She's worked very hard and has earned her spot and I'm sure she will have a wonderful time. It's time, but...
When I was growing up I was the oldest. So, when it came time for someone to leave the family unit, the someone was me. The experience of sending someone away is a little new to me. My youngest brother of course has no sympathy. He watched three of us leave and he said it wasn't easy!
And of course communicating is a lot different than when I was a kid. Texting, e-mail, phone calls, Facebook. But there's nothing like walking in the front door and seeing that smiling face and hearing 'Daddy!' and getting a big hug. I will get that from the other two and cherish each one (even more now!) but there will still be something missing. I can't wait till Christmas!
I'm sure I'll get used to it but I'll follow Ford's advise and keep my towel handy! And I have five years to recover before I have to do it again, only double!
But I wouldn't have it any other way. As a parent you try hard to teach them and raise them so that they can charge out on their own with all the tools they need to lay waste the challenges they'll face. But man, it's hard to watch them walk (run?) out the door!
The only thing left to say is 'Don't forget your sword!!'
I love you Daddy!
Oh wow. I just got the H2G2 reference XD
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